Services by Jono

1 MyoReformation Treatments

A soft tissue manipulation designed to realign muscles, separate ligaments and open joints.

2 MyoReformation Training

Training by Jono for those that want to become MyoReformation practitioners to work alongside him

About MyoReformation Treatments

Every treatment is a full-body treatment, from head to toes to fingertips.

MyoReformation is a holistic treatment dealing with the entire body, focusing on the musculature and lymphatic system.  A single session typically takes one hour, whether the patient is a paraplegic or only has a painful shoulder, or even only (and wisely) needs a maintenance treatment.

MyoReformation is not confined to a single ailment or area, because the whole body must work in harmony, so the whole body must be attended to, invigorated and enabled to self-heal.  Frequently pain is transferred, so neck or shoulder pain may in fact result from a trapped nerve elsewhere, or from a person’s stance due to a former, long forgotten (but unrectified) trauma.  A MyoReformation practitioner thus works on the entire body to oxygenate, free and re-align the muscles.  The body’s muscles support the bone structure which is effectively just a framework.  The muscles hold up the body, not the bones – after all, even quadriplegics have bones.  Correctly aligned muscles allow the skeletal structure to correct itself, freeing trapped nerves and opening vital blood and lymph channels. 

Seldom mentioned and often forgotten, the lymphatic system is equally as important to the body as the circulatory system or the musculature. It is the body’s ambulance service, a network of tissues and organs that help to rid the body of toxins and waste.  Lymphatic vessels are similar to the circulatory system’s veins and capillaries.  They collect contaminants from the farthest extremities and carry them to hundreds of nodes located throughout the body, where the lymph fluid is filtered and cleaned.  Backing up the lymph nodes are larger lymphatic organs such as the spleen, which controls the red blood cell supply in the body and detects and fights bacterial and viral invasions, and the thymus which stores immature lymphocytes and prepares them to become cancer-fighting T-cells.

A MyoReformation treatment thus attends to not just an isolated pain, but to the entire body’s most important needs.  Opening, aligning and repairing the musculature will attend to the isolated (or even widespread) pain, but it will also improve the flow of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, for better overall well-being.  Manipulation of the lymph nodes as part of the MyoReformation treatment further assists the body’s natural defence system to be in peak condition.

When starting with MyoReformation, it is important that we do a minimum of three treatments a few days apart in order for the muscle memory to be triggered which will keep the channels open for longer.  Blood bringing in fresh oxygen, proteins and nutrients and the lymph draining the lactic acid and lymphatic fluid, the healing becomes more complete.

The bottom line is that MyoReformation fixes the cause not the symptom.

About Jono

Jono is a keen sportsman who represented Zimbabwe at Schools Waterpolo, Under-21 & Sables' Rugby, and trained from 2004-2006 with the Sharks (Super Rugby) Academy in Durban South Africa.  He has always found the study of energy to be a fascinating topic, one that has found its way to him in one form or another, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

After spending some time in Durban, he returned to Zimbabwe in 2010 and took a position as manager of Body Active Gym, where he also practised as a personal trainer.  In 2012 he left the gym to start a journey of his own, looking for advancement in physical rehabilitation.

When the economic situation in the country worsened, he tried his hand at rearing chickens where he realised, he was not following his life journey and returned to management of Pro Fitness Gym.  Jono had chosen personal training and rehabilitation as a career because of his desire to help people, but he began to become disenchanted with it because results took such a long time to show.

His mother (Jane Beunk), who has always been his guide, persuaded him to look into MyoReformation because she was convinced that this would be his fulfilment, and that he would be an outstanding practitioner.  Jono completed the first 2 training modules under Jacqueline Simpson (The Myoreformation founder) and began his practical sessions, during which he advanced from treating 2 clients per week to 6 to 17, all in a matter of weeks.

His skill was plainly evident to Jacquie, who fast-tracked him through the final advanced training module before qualifying him as a MyoReformation practitioner.

Going forward, Jono’s desire is to continue improving and learning about the body and energy, and to continue on his mission of healing.  As he says,

“When you see the difference in people even after only one treatment ­- that is my reward and that is what pushes me to continue with my journey”.

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